Monday, 2 October 2017


Sayeds/Sadats or Thangals as they are popularly known among Malayali community, are descendants of the beloved Prophet (PBUP). Thier history in the region, according to some historical evidence, starts with the migration of Sayed families belonging to various Qabeelas from the historic city of Tarim in the Hadramawt Province of Yamen many centuries ago. Since then they have played a critical role in shaping up the life and career of not just the Muslim community, but the whole society and their cultures in the region. Their interventions in the international affairs of various princely regions of pre-colonial India facilitated our global connections. Sayeds enjoy an exalted position and privilege as they belong to the Prophets genealogy. Muslims' love and affection towards Prophets family is considered as an integral part of their firm faith in Islam.
As an extension of this love and affection towards Prophets descendants, Markaz observes Muharram 9th as Sadath Day. On this day every year Sayeds from all Qabeelas in the region convene at Markaz, discuss various issues the community faces and offer their prayers and wishes for the well-being of society.

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