Monday, 2 October 2017




*2017 October 2-8*

The World Health Organisation has defined drug abuse as a state of periodic, chronic intoxication, detrimental to the individual and to the society, produced by repeated consumption of drugs either natural or synthetic. It is a social evil which causes the decline of social security in many means. In India, the drug addiction became a big challenge in its growth. According to governmental demographic status the smallest drug abuser is 9 years old child. And the most vulnerable scene is majority of its youth and adolescents get failed before drug abuse elsewhere in their atmosphere. It states the inefficiency of governmental bodies to prevent this menace.



Drug addiction is physical, psychological and psychic dependence of a person to drugs. In these recent days drug users find easy ways of abuses by  pharmaceutical drugs along with  psychoactive drugs which is legally prohibited. In india, many dangerous drugs are prohibited. But some of those drugs can be used for pharmaceutical needs. Those who are experts in chemical technics can turn a pharmaceutical drug which uses as a diagnosing medicinal substance in to highly intoxicated psychoactive drug which make changes in one's brain and central nervous system. Our educational system prepared our youth well in recognising such medical sedatives and from pharmacies and making them their psycho stimulants.

Usage of drugs affects one's physical condition and its dosage starts to control his inner and outer responses. It is very dangerous situation that when one can't find satisfaction in a certain dosage his body became out of his control. His entire nervous system will start to act like inactive or hyper active both are hazardous.

Biologically human body responds to all drugs very actively. But it will remain inactive to certain measure of drug dosage when it became  usual to it. That's how some drug  addicted persons are reported they used   to get bite of venoumous snakes for their relaxation.

But the injurious irony in our country is we still want revenue from some drugs like tobacco and alcohol. And for that we are not taking practical measurements to prevent this evils. Studies verify that the expense of state due to the tobacco and alcohol is larger than the revenue comes from these. Most of road accidents are caused by drunken driving. Like vise the large number of rapes, murders, robberies, family failures and suicides are following the drug addiction.

Government bears a huge amount of financial liability due to the road accidents by drunken drivings every year. And it is very larger than getting from consumer revenue of its beverages. Obviously, drugs cover human values and start to act like an animal anarchist who can't consider any of his surroundings. It makes ridiculous spaces for women and children in society. Drug addicts will not ensure any security in a society even they won't be able to make themselves secure. We frequently get news about youths and adolescents who commit crimes in seeking financial sources to buy drugs.

In India, lakhs of families are torn by drug abuses. People who aren't satisfied with familial matters will wrongly reach to the alcohol and such drugs. This escapism will make them nothing but failure. This desperate journey through drugs break everything in a family. Social relations would be dispensed as well as personal values.

Drug causes several health problems and genetic disorders. Cancer, tumor, syphilis, aids and lung and liver disease are mostly reported among drug abusers and their relatives.

The right thing is prevention than cure the affected. To prevent this socal anarchy, government should take practical steps and awareness campaigns. Advertisements through mass media by using popular persons in society. Awareness programmes from school level will make productive changes. It will solve a big problem of peer group pressure which causes of drug addictions.

Sunni Students Federation of India takes its social commitment and moral support for a campaign on 'Drugs free India.' It plans to conduct several colloquium and seminars in different parts of India. SSF will reach to schools, colleges and universities to convince growing generation about the social calamities of drug abuses.

*SSF Tamilnadu  State Committee*

SSF ದಕ್ಷಿಣಕನ್ನಡ ಜಿಲ್ಲಾ ಮಟ್ಟದ ಕಾರ್ಯಕರ್ತರ 4G camp ನ ಅದ್ಭುತ ದೃಶ್ಯ

SSF ಜಿಲ್ಲಾ ಸಮಿತಿಯಿಂದ ಉಜಿರೆ ಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದ 4G ಕ್ಯಾಂಪ
*ಉತ್ತಮ ದಾರಿ ಹುಡುಕುವವರಿಗೆ ಮಹಾ ದಾರಿ SSF

SSF ಪಾಣೆಮಂಗಳೂರು ಸೆಕ್ಟರ್ ಸದಸ್ಯರ 4g camp ನ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು

report by - rammi melkar


Sayeds/Sadats or Thangals as they are popularly known among Malayali community, are descendants of the beloved Prophet (PBUP). Thier history in the region, according to some historical evidence, starts with the migration of Sayed families belonging to various Qabeelas from the historic city of Tarim in the Hadramawt Province of Yamen many centuries ago. Since then they have played a critical role in shaping up the life and career of not just the Muslim community, but the whole society and their cultures in the region. Their interventions in the international affairs of various princely regions of pre-colonial India facilitated our global connections. Sayeds enjoy an exalted position and privilege as they belong to the Prophets genealogy. Muslims' love and affection towards Prophets family is considered as an integral part of their firm faith in Islam.
As an extension of this love and affection towards Prophets descendants, Markaz observes Muharram 9th as Sadath Day. On this day every year Sayeds from all Qabeelas in the region convene at Markaz, discuss various issues the community faces and offer their prayers and wishes for the well-being of society.

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