Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Hujjatul Islam Imam Ghazali Rahmatullah

Imam Al-Ghazali was born in Tus, Iran in hijri 450, he was popularly known as Imam Abu humid Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al-Ghazali in the ears of Muslims. He was Keyman in the field of Sufism and Philosophy, his ideas have influenced many and which spread all over the world. He is considered as Mujaddid of Hijri 5th century.

Among his teachers in law debate and principles are
🔘 Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Radhakhani in Tus,
🔘Abu nas Al-Ismaili in Jurjan and 
🔘Imam Al haramayn Abu-ma’ali al Juwayni in Naysabur from where Imam Ghazali departed to Bhagdad after latter’s death.

Ibn al-subki writes about Imam Al-Ghazali as “he came during the time when people stood in direr need of the replies against the philosophers like the darkest night stands in the need of lights of the moon and stars"

When there was serious conflicts in Islamic world despite of such challenging situation he stood firmly by conveying message of Islam by writing  books and by lectures, Imam Al-Ghazali was means for enlightening Islamic world. Since he had deep and profound knowledge he was also known as Hujjatul Islam and Zainuddin which means evidence of Islam, it also mean the person who memorized 3 lakhs of hadith with reporting people.

On his way from Jurjan to Tus, most of the valuable notes written by Imam Al-Ghazali was robbed by  stranger eventually when it came into eye sight of Imam Al-Ghazali, meanwhile he started to follow him and uttered loudly by saying “For the sake of Allah I ask with you to please return back those notes and it is no longer going to useful for you “in return the robber questioned

Robber: what are those notes?

Imam Al-Ghazali: The books in that satchel are those knowledge for which i left my country in order to obtain.

Robber: By laughing loudly said how can you claim that you obtained knowledge when we took it away from you which left you devoid of knowledge! Meanwhile they returned the satchel to him.

Response of robber inspired and insisted Imam Al-Ghazali to think more and he thought it might be the reason Allah made to guide him eventually when Imam Al-Ghazali reached Tus, he worked hard for 3 year in order to memorize all the book’s written by him.

At young age Imam Al-Ghazali  went  Bhagdad upon invitation of vizier Nizam al-Mulk therein the scholars in the court were amazed to see the depth of knowledge of Imam Ghazali and Nizam al-Mulk appointed him as professor of Nizamiyya madrasa which was prestigious and profound during the time.

He trained many students and out of 300 selected brilliant student he taught them all  the best knowledge and some of the prominent students are 
🔘Muhammad ibn asad al-tusi, 
🔘Abu Mansoor Muhammad,
🔘Abu Abdullah Jamart al-husaini and 
🔘Abu hasan al-balansi.

Imam Al-Ghazali was recognized for vast knowledge not only by Muslim world but also by westerners as well his knowledge was advanced in every aspect compared to European scholars of his time.

When Europeans commonly believed earth was flat Imam Ghazali asserted earth is round, moreover he wrote many other subjects in his books , some of his notable books are 
🔘Ihya uloomuddin,
🔘 Jawahiral Quran, 
🔘Ayyuhal walad.

Europeans studied his books in detail and translated them into German language, it is desirable to see that most of books written by Imam Gazali were burnt by western and changed into their name.

Imam Al-Ghazali also urged Muslims to be united and to live  with universal brotherhood, he advised believers to approach each other with compassion and look good in people and to ignore bad in people  moreover he also adviced people when someone comes seek anything don’t turn away your eyes from them he also urged people to be more conscious while speaking though people are only able to see  what we convey whereas  almighty Allah can see what we think and our intention and those who are aware will be more careful with their thought and action.

Imam Al-Ghazali has contributed significantly to the development of systematic view, Sufism and to its integration and acceptance in mainstream of Islam, he came out of seclusion in hijri 499 and travelled to Cairo,Iskandriyya and other places, finally returned to Bhagdad where he taught Ihya Uloomuddin  until his death in nearby Tus.

Occupying remainder of his time with devotion, Quran recitation, prayer and fasting and with the company of Sufis.

On Monday 14 Jumadal akhirah at the time of dawn prayer Imam Al-Ghazali made his ablution prayed and then asked to bring his shroud, he took it kissed it and put it on his eyes by saying “we hear and obey in readiness to enter the presence of almighty “then he stretched his leg facing towards Qibla and passed away from this world before sunrise May Allah sanctify his soul-aameen"
It is reported that Imam Shadili  saw a dream in which prophet (s.a) pointed out Imam Al-Ghazali to Musa (a.s) and Isa (a.s) asking whether there was any such scholar in your communities? To which they both replied “no”

May almighty Allah help us to follow their paths and grant us knowledge-aameen

COLLECT-BY :https://hihappyislam.blogspot.qa/2017/09/hujjatul-islam-imam-ghazali-rahmatullah.html?m=1

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